Healing the Persisting Wounds of Historic Injustice
October 20, 2022
12:30 P. M. - 2:00 P.M. PST
1.5 Hours CLE
During the webinar, Professor Eric Yamamoto, along with other distinguished scholars, will discuss his book, Healing the Persisting Wounds of Historic Injustice: United States, South Korea, and the Jeju 4.3 Tragedy. The book's framework for reparative justice extends widely to initiatives involving Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, Black Americans, Japanese Canadians, Japanese Latin Americans, and more. The symposium speakers will touch on these initiatives, too.
This is an opportunity to learn about the injustices committed against Jeju in South Korea and how we can support efforts to help the Jeju community heal!
In the book, Prof. Yamamoto discusses the different ways to help facilitate the social healing process for the Jeju community after the 4.3 tragedy.
After World War II and in an attempt to spread democracy, the American military was stationed in South Korea. On April 3, 1948 (4.3), in response to the harsh US food distribution policies and abusive police, insurgents attacked local police stations. The American military then began an intensive armed security operation which led to the death and incarceration of many Jeju residents.
For years, the history of Jeju 4.3 was covered up, but Prof. Yamamoto suggests there are ways that the US and others can engage in reparative measures to help the Jeju community heal.
Eric K. Yamamoto is the Fred T. Korematsu Professor of Law and Social Justice at the William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawai`i. He is nationally and internationally recognized for his legal work and scholarship on civil procedure as well as national security and civil liberties, civil and human rights and social justice, with an emphasis on reconciliation initiatives and reparations for historic injustice.
Professor Yamamoto has received eight “outstanding law teacher awards,” including the Outstanding Law Professor for 2006 from the nationwide Society of American Law Teachers. He has also received the University of Hawaii’s highest honor – the Regents Medal for Teaching Excellence.
Professor Yamamoto is a prolific scholar. His books include, Healing the Persisting Wounds of Historic Injustice: United States, South Korea and the Jeju 4.3 Tragedy (2021); Race, Rights and National Security: Law and the Japanese American Incarceration (with Bannai and Chon) (Wolter Kluwer 3rd ed. 2021); In the Shadow of Korematsu: Democratic Liberties and National Security (2018 Oxford Press); The Jeju 4.3 Tragedy: Next Steps Toward Reconciliation (translated into Korean) (co-authored with Pettit and Lee) (2015); and Interracial Justice (New York U. Press 2000) (award for among best North American Social Justice books for 2000). He has published over 100 articles and book chapters.
Professor Yamamoto’s scholarship, teaching and advocacy emerge in two realms. First – starting with his work as Korematsu coram nobis legal team member in reopening the World War II Japanese American incarceration case and continuing with post-9/11 disputes – he works with others toward a balanced accommodation of security and liberty in American democracy.
Second, he works with communities to repair the damage – heal the persisting wounds – of acknowledged injustice to people and communities. This reparative justice and reconciliation work has encompassed the United Church of Christ and Native Hawaiian churches; Native Hawaiian Homeland trust beneficiaries and the State of Hawai`i; the indigenous Ainu claims to land and cultural resurrection in Japan; the Jeju, South Korea “Peacetime” Tragedy; the Korean World War II military sex slaves reparative justice claims; the Jeju 4.3 Tragedy; the Filipino human rights claims against the former Marcos regime; and the African American reparations suit for the 1921 Tulsa race riot. He has authored amicus briefs to US Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal.

Ruben Carranza
Senior Expert, Programs
International Center for Transitional Justice
View Bio

Chang Hoon Ko
Professor, Jeju University
Leader & Organizer of Jeju as a "World Peace Island" movement

Sang Soo Hur, Ph.D.,
Former Professor,
Sungkonghoe University,
Korea Social Science Institute

Margaret M. Russell
Associate Professor of Law
Santa Clara University School of Law
View Bio

Rebecca Tsosie
Regents Professor and Morris K. Udall Professor of Law
James E. Rogers College of Law
View Bio

Kunihiko ("Kenny") Yoshida
Professor of Law,
Hokkaido University,
Expert on reparations regarding the Ainu people, the indigenous people in Hokkaido, the Anjing massacre, the bombing of Chongqing, and the Jeju tragedies.