SWLAW Blog | Diversity

March 29, 2022
Introducing our 2022 Women's Law Association Board Members
Meet the motivated, talented, and determined women leading our Women’s Law Association Board in 2022. They're working tirelessly to promote the participation and success of diverse women within the legal profession.
Our Women's Law Association hosts social gatherings, informational meetings and collaborates with other organizations to create an open discussion regarding women in the legal system. They also provide resources for women to advocate for fairness, equal representation, and equal rights to help them thrive in the legal community.
Co-President — Kimberly Hernandez
Year: 3L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: Civil/Real Estate Attorney
Activities: Women’s Law Association Co-President, Tax Law Society Vice President, Bisong Acapella Treasurer, Member of Latino Law Student Association
She says: "I raise up my voice- not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard…We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back." — Malala Yousafzai
Fun Fact: I love to cook.
Female Role Model: My mom
Co-President — Charlotte Bray
Future Aspiration: Civil Attorney
Activities: Women’s Law Association, Dean’s Fellow, Moot Court
She says: "The most effective way to do it, is to do it." — Amelia Earhart
Female Role Model: Michelle Obama
Vice President — Jenna Karvunidis
Year: 3L, Part-Time Evening
Future Aspiration: To dragon-breathe for my clients.
Activities: WLA Vice President, Environmental Law Society Treasurer
She says: They say, "every expert had a first day."
Fun Fact: The internet knows me as the gender reveal party "inventor."
Female Role Model: Gloria Allred
Treasurer — I'niah Clark
Year: 2L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: Cannabis Law Transactional Attorney
Activities: WLA Treasurer, Negotiation Honor's Program Advocate, Contracts Teaching Assistant to Professor Hart, Dean's Fellow, Student Member of the International Cannabis Bar Association, Los Angeles County Bar Association - Cannabis Section
She says: "If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them." — Jim Kwik
Fun Fact: I love reading negotiation books in my spare time, and I'm a member of the Mayweather boxing gym.
Female Role Model: My mentor Rachael Ardanuy — Cannabis attorney and all-around rock star. Thank you for taking me under your wing.
Secretary — Lisa Ow
Year: 2L, Part-Time Evening
Future Aspiration: To become a Plaintiff's attorney in medical malpractice, products liability, and class action lawsuits.
Activities: Weightlifting, Kenpo Martial Arts, and Pool
She says: "Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists...it is real... it is possible... it's yours."
Fun Fact: I am the middle child in my family, with one older brother and one younger brother - which helps to explain my competitiveness and my love of sports.
Female Role Model: My Mama — for teaching me compassion and love and Debra Greenfield Esq. for her work in cases involving law and biotechnology.
Co-Fundraising Coordinator — Christy Macleod
Year: 2L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: Real Estate Attorney
Activities: Women’s Law Association Fundraising Coordinator, Student Member of the Southwestern Inns of Court, Admissions Ambassador, Student Liaison for the Women’s Law Association of Los Angeles
She says: "You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." — Jane Goodall
Fun Fact: I love baking and cooking in my free time!
Female Role Model: My mom!
Co-Fundraising Coordinator — Cristina Terrazas
Year: 3L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: To become a criminal prosecutor.
Activities: Teen Court, Tax Law Society, Criminal Law Society, Women's Law Association, Public Interest Law Committee, Peer Mentor Program
She says: "Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live." — Anne Sweeney
Fun Fact: My favorite band has been The Maine since I was 12.
Female Role Model: My godmother, Laura Arguelles
Community Outreach/Social Media Coordinator — Pinar Ozhabes
Year: 2L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: To help people believe in their potential and inspire them to achieve their dreams.
Activities: Women’s Law Association, International Law Society, Tax Law Students Association
She says: "If it doesn't scare you a little, it's not worth doing."
Fun Fact: I have an unhealthy addiction to tea.
Female Role Model: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Section A 1L Representative — Ghadah Abdalkarim
Year: 1L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: I aspire to become an international human rights lawyer.
She says: "Do what you feel in your heart to be right — for you'll be critiqued anyway." — Eleanor Roosevelt.
Female Role Model: Jacinda Ardern
Section B 1L Representative — Ester Mendez
Year: 1L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: Criminal Defense/ Civil Rights Lawyer
Activities: Board games, Mario Party video game, watching scenery, short hikes in nature
She says: "Don’t give up what you want most for what you want at the moment."
Fun Fact: My grandma only speaks Zapoteco, not Spanish, so I learned some Zapoteco as a kid.
Female Role Model: Carmelita Torres was a "red-haired Mexican woman" known for starting the 1917 Bath riots on the Mexico-United States border between Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas.
Section C 1L Representative — Brenda Martinez Jaurrieta
Year: 1L, Traditional Day
Future Aspiration: To work in public interest in immigration or working with children or foster youth.
Activities: WLA, LLSA, Teen Court
She says: "Be the change you want to see in the world."
Fun Fact: I have eight siblings.
Female Role Model: Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
1L Part-Time Representative — Anne Grambusch
Year: 1L, Part-Time Evening
Future Aspiration: I aspire to become an entertainment lawyer.
She says: "Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time." — Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Female Role Model: Michelle Obama
SCALE I Representative — Stanzi Rowe
Future Aspiration: I would love to end up working in-house at Disney!
Activities: WLA, ELS
She says: "To live will be an awfully big adventure." — J.M. Barrie
Fun Fact: A fun fact about me is that I’ve played the violin since 5th grade!
Female Role Model: Michelle Obama