Fitness Center
Current Students may find details regarding the Fitness Center (hours, waiver release form, rules and regulations, etc.) on the Portal (log-in required).
Southwestern's Fitness Center is a fully accessible, state-of-the-art facility with a complete range of exercise equipment and amenities, including treadmills, recumbent bicycles, upright bicycles, elliptical cross trainers, weight circuit equipment, and free weights. The Fitness Center was designed as a safe and hygienic work-out environment for members. Exercise equipment has posted instructions for members to individualize their workout program and progress at their own rate and interest. Weight and cardiovascular exercise areas are well-lit and have flooring which provides excellent cushion and traction for member comfort and equipment safety. The Fitness Center classroom has mirrors, wood plank and clip flooring for low impact exercise, and dimmable lighting for members interested in practicing meditation, Yoga, or Tai Chi. Locker facilities are fully accessible providing convenient storage for personal items (while using the facility) as well as showers and vanities with brightly lit mirrors and convenience hair dryers.
We are always on the lookout for new ideas and suggestions for the Fitness Center. Suggestions may be sent to fitness@swlaw.edu.
Employment Opportunities for Students
Administrative Services is seeking students interested in working as Fitness Center Assistants. All Fitness Center positions are funded through college work-study funds. Interested students should contact the Financial Aid Office to determine eligibility. Once eligibility is confirmed, students may contact Administrative Services at fitness@swlaw.edu.