Law Journal: Staff



The course has the primary objective of assisting Journal staff in writing a publishable student note, with staff members receiving extensive feedback on their work from both the professors and each other. In the process, it is hoped that Journal staff will also become familiar with some of the important international and transnational issues in the areas in which the Journal most often publishes and will improve their writing and editing skills. By the time students complete this course; they should have: achieved the ability to write an academic article with a clear thesis and support that is understandable to an educated person, not an expert in the field; learned to sensitively critique the work of others to help them achieve a superior work product; and learned to thoughtfully incorporate the critiques of others into their own work product. Participation on Law Journal is by invitation only. Students selected to participate in Southwestern's Law Journal must complete their registration through Self-Service for their Law Journal credits. For more details, please visit Southwestern's Law Journal web page at