SWLAW Blog | Community

May 4, 2016
Evening Student Elected To Neighborhood Council
Second year evening student Ellen Oganesyan has been elected to the North Hollywood North East Neighborhood Council. The council is governed by a board of 15 elected stakeholders who serve four-year terms. Elections are held approximately every two years. The NHNEC was created to serve the stakeholders and to provide a better link between local neighborhoods and City Hall.
“I chose to run for the council because I am a stickler for change and personal empowerment,” Oganesyan said. “I came to law school to give a voice to those who often go unheard. Similarly the same concept applies to my decision in running for the council. Ever since I was young, I was very much intrigued by the democratic system and I always knew one day I wanted to be a part of it.
The North Hollywood North East Neighborhood Council is one of 95 local councils in Los Angeles. The Neighborhood Council system was created in 1999, and the North Hollywood North East Neighborhood Council was certified in 2002. Its purpose is to provide a forum for community discussion, monitor and improve City services in the neighborhood it serves, and provide a greater voice residents to speak to City Hall.
For more info, visit the North Hollywood North East Neighborhood Council’s website here.