SWLAW Blog | Community

January 29, 2018
$13,000 Raised for Summer 2018 Public Interest Law Grant
Huge kudos to Southwestern’s Public Interest Law Committee (PILC) for all their hard work this semester! PILC successfully raised over $13,000 this year for the Public Interest Law Fund!
This year, in addition to raising money for the fund through events such as their annual Live Auction and Party Book, PILC also focused their fundraising efforts on increasing awareness and assisting the Los Angeles homeless population. Partnered with Homeless Health Care Los Angeles, they held two very successful drives to provide care packages to those in need.
The money raised by PILC will be awarded to Southwestern students through the Summer 2018 Public Interest Law Grant. This Public Interest Law Grant gives students the opportunity to participate in public interest organizations without the financial burden of acquiring more educational loans.
For more information on the Summer Public Interest Law Grant Program, click here. You can also attend the Public Interest Summer Grant Information Session on February 13th at 12:30 p.m. in W611.
To apply for the Summer 2018 Public Interest Law Grant, click here. Please note, handwritten or paper applications will not be accepted.
The deadline to apply for the Summer 2018 Public Interest Law Grant is Monday, February 26, 2018 by 5:00 p.m.