SWLAW Blog | Community

May 18, 2018
Meet Southwestern's 103rd Commencement Grand Marshals
Congratulations to Professor Catherine Carpenter '76 and Professor John Heilman on being elected by this year's graduating class as Grand Marshals!
"It is an honor to have been elected Co-Grand Marshal. What a joy it is for me personally to have witnessed the growth of our students from fledgling law student to lawyer-in training in their time at Southwestern."
- Professor Catherine Carpenter' 76
As Grand Marshals, they will be presenting the graduates during the conferring of degrees. Both are seasoned pros in the role. Professor Carpenter was previously elected as Grand Marshal in 2015 and Professor Heilman in 2016.
"Our students work so hard while in law school. It is always such an honor to participate in graduation and share this special time with our wonderful students and their families."
- Professor John Heilman
We look forward to seeing them both at Commencement in their full regalia. Watch them present the graduating class of 2018 live here, on May 20, 2018.
(First Published on May 8, 2018)