SWLAW Blog | Awards & Honors

July 25, 2018
Southwestern Recognized for Diversity by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education and Above the Law
We made the list! Above the Law recently published an article, "The Law Schools With the Most Diverse Graduates," that recognized and congratulated law schools promoting diversity in the legal profession. They reported on the July 2018 issue of Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, in which Southwestern is featured as one of the top 10 law schools with the most minority graduates.
Diverse: Issues in Higher Education also listed Southwestern as one of the top 10 law schools for producing the most Hispanic or Latino graduates.
We are proud to be included on these lists! Southwestern remains committed to our history of increasing access to quality legal education and embracing our multiculturism and diversity.
Read the full Above the Law article here and see the full Diverse: Issues in Higher Education list here.