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July 26, 2018
What is Limited Representation and is it a Bridge to Justice?
Many law students probably responded to the headline's question with an objection. "Objection! The question is compound." Well played. The question IS compound so good thing this is a blog and not a cross-examination! Before we answer the first part of the query, let's address the latter component.
According to Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mark A. Juhas (a Southwestern adjunct professor since 2006 and the 2016 keynote speaker for the Public Service Awards Luncheon) and co-author Maria E. Hall (Attorney Development Director of LAIC and the 2018 keynote speaker for the Public Service Awards Luncheon), the answer is "yes it can." However, like most things in life, and law, the full answer is not that simple. Which brings us right to the doorstep of the second part of our compound question, "what is limited scope representation?"
Limited scope representation is exactly as it sounds. Attorneys are retained to: represent clients for a single court hearing, provide advice on a single issue in a case, to draft pleadings, help develop a litigation strategy, review forms, etc.
The article reveals that many people represent themselves in eviction court, family court, even DMV and other administrative procedures where the stakes are very high and resources are very limited.
We give this article two-thumbs up shining a light on a creative and practical approach to meeting the demand for low-cost legal services.
Click on the cover page and read the complete article!