SWLAW Blog | Faculty Features

November 8, 2018
Professor Cameron Inducted into the National Academy of Arbitrators
Congratulations to Professor Christopher David Ruiz Cameron! He was recently inducted as a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators.
The induction was held during the organization’s Fall Education Conference in Austin, Texas on October 26 to October 28, 2018.
This is a particularly special honor because the National Academy of Arbitrators has very rigorous and selective admissions standards. In addition to showing adherence to high ethical standards, an applicant must either produce written opinions in at least 60 cases over six years, or in the alternative, "have attained general recognition through scholarly publication or other activities as an important authority on labor-management relations."
Professor Cameron was recognized and selected as a member for his 33 years of experience as an expert in labor relations. Since 2017, Professor Cameron has served as a Commissioner of the Los Angeles County Employee Relations Commission, the agency responsible for policing labor relations between management and nearly 100,000 employees working in one of the nation's largest municipal governments. He is the author or co-author of 2 books, nine chapters or supplements, and 28 law review articles, most which treat the law of the workplace. Professor Cameron also issues, on average, 8 to 10 written decisions resolving workplace dispute each year, and is a frequent speaker on the theory and practice of labor arbitration.
Way to go, Professor Cameron!
About the National Academy of Arbitrators:
The National Academy of Arbitrators was founded in 1947 as a not-for-profit honorary and professional organization of arbitrators in the United States and Canada. Members are chosen by involved parties to hear and decide thousands of labor and employment arbitration cases each year in private industry, the public sector, and non-profits in both countries.
Admission standards are rigorous in keeping with the goal of establishing and fostering the highest standards of integrity and competence.
The Academy’s purposes are educational and fraternal. As a friend of the court, the Academy has participated in appellate litigation in both the United States and Canada where major issues affecting the institution of arbitration are involved. It also works cooperatively with sister organizations such as government agencies, professional organizations, institutions, and learned societies in the field of labor-management and employment relations.