SWLAW Blog | Job Talk

June 7, 2019
Richard Chou '18 Receives Volunteer of the Year Award
Congratulations to SCALE alum Richard Chou ‘18 on receiving the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office 37th Annual Volunteer of the Year Award! Richard was one of two volunteers to be honored with this distinction by District Attorney Jackie Lacey.
Deputy District Attorney Ranna Jahanshahi nominated Richard for the award in recognition for his drive and professionalism during his time at the Van Nuys District Attorney’s Office, where he was praised for his extraordinary energy. From March to December 2018, Richard assisted deputy district attorneys in assessing jury candidates for trials, transcribing recorded calls by jail inmates, reviewing footage from police body cameras, tracking evidence, and helping schedule witnesses.
He says, "It was an honor and a privilege to work with the District Attorney’s Office. The work was incredibly engaging, and the Deputies were an inspiration. Their dedication and professionalism have become something of a benchmark for the kind of lawyer I hope to become. My only regret is that I had to leave when I did; else, I’d have been glad to stay on to learn and experience more of the job. I am honored that the office has graced me with being their honoree for the 37th Annual Volunteer of the Year Award."
Way to demonstrate that #BisonSpirit, Richard! We are so proud of your dedication and hard work!
See the full LADA press release here.