SWLAW Blog | Faculty Features

January 13, 2020
Prof. Carpenter talks Sex Offender Registries; Alumnus Paul Schrieffer Recognized as Attorney of the Year; and more!
by Matthew Stein ‘21
Alumnus Paul K. Schrieffer is Leading Attorney of the Year
Paul K. Schrieffer '90 Recognized by Continental Who's Who
Paul K. Schrieffer '90 is being recognized by Continental Who's Who as the Leading Attorney of the Year for his outstanding work ethic and his role as Founding Partner at P.K. Schrieffer, LLP.
Are Sex Offender Registries Doing More Damage Than Good?
Professor Catherine Carpenter quoted in Vox
Many skeptics, including academics, lawyers, and advocates, believe registries do little to prevent sex crimes and cause havoc to the lives of those trying to secure a redemptive path back to society. Prof. Catherine Carpenter, an Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws Board Member, offers her opinion on the issue.
Was Our Legal System Designed With Someone Like Trump in Mind?
Professor Rachel E. VanLandingham quoted in Vox
Professor Rachel VanLandingham weighs in on President Trump's decision to order an airstrike that killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, a powerful Iranian paramilitary leader. In a recent piece by Vox, VanLandingham discusses the relationship between our current legal system and President Trump.
Was Trump’s Ordering of an Airstrike That Killed Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani Legal?
Professor Jonathan Miller quoted in the Los Angeles Times
With so much uncertainty surrounding the recent airstrike, Prof. Jonathan Miller helps unravel the legal issues behind it. Click here to read his quote and more.
Kit deal battle: Liverpool, New Balance, and Nike
Professor Victoria Burke writes for the Daily Journal
Professor Burke’s latest Daily Journal article is a Sports Law / Fashion Law hybrid covering the recent UK case involving the kit deal battle among the Liverpool Football Club, New Balance, and Nike. The case ultimately came down to whether an Influencer’s value can be measured and the importance of carefully drafting contract language to avoid ambiguity. Read her full article in the Daily Journal (subscription required).