SWLAW Blog | Faculty Features

March 1, 2021
Professor VanLandingham Comments on the Capital Riot and More Faculty in the News!
By Ernesto Rodriguez '21
Law Schools with the Highest Percentage of Racial or Ethnic Minorities
Southwestern Law School featured in Yahoo News
Southwestern has been named one of the top 45 law schools with the highest percentage of racial or ethnic minority enrollment. Southwestern makes the list with a 45.5 percent minority enrollment. Click here to see the full list!
Is Justice Blind?
Professor Kelly Strader quoted in Mmgemi Online
The article examines the way courts apply different standards of justice between the poor and the rich. Professor Strader’s “white-collar paradox” helps explain this phenomenon. Read the full article here.
Is Kim Kardashian White?
Professor John Tehranian on Emphasis Added Podcast
Professor Tehranian joins the Emphasis Added podcast to speak about his recent article that was published in the Houston Law Review. The article is titled: Is Kim Kardashian White? (and Why Does It Matter Anyway?) Racial Fluidity, Identity Mutability & the Future of Civil Rights Jurisprudence. Listen to the full podcast here!
Military Contrasts at the Capitol
Professor VanLandingham is a frequent commentator in the national media particularly regarding military justice and law of war issues. Check out all of the recent articles she's been featured in as she examines the events that took place at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.
Professor Rachel VanLandingham featured in The Washington Post
Professor VanLandingham examines the lack of military presence and preparedness during the Attack on the Capitol which was a complete contrast to their presence during Racial injustice protests last year. Read the full article here.
Professor Rachel VanLandingham featured by KO4B Eyewitness News
Professor VanLandingham examines the recent events that took place at the Capitol and explains the penalties that Trump extremists could face for their participation. Read the full article here.
Professor Rachel VanLandingham featured in The Hill
Professor VanLandingham’s article discusses the penalties that veterans and retired military personnel could face after reports have surfaced revealing their participation in the Attack on the Capitol last month. Read the full article here.
Professor Rachel VanLandingham featured by Yahoo News
Professor VanLandingham’s article discusses the penalties that active-duty military personnel could face after reports have surfaced revealing their participation in the Attack on the Capitol last month. Read the full article here.