SWLAW Blog | Future Students

April 12, 2021
Immigration Law Student Association Service Project Thanksgiving Meals for Immigration Law Clinic Client Families
The Immigration Law Student Association (ILSA), in partnership with the Immigration Law Clinic (ILC), held its first Thanksgiving Meals for Families Fundraiser. ILSA raised almost $4,000 thanks to the generous support and donations from the Southwestern Law School Community, its allies, and networks. In particular, staff member Brenda Sandoval provided invaluable help in reaching legal clinic clients and helping connect them with ILSA members.
ILSA provided a Thanksgiving meal for 30 Immigration Law Clinic client families. This included a turkey dinner, traditional Thanksgiving side dishes, and delicious pies for each family. The families expressed immense gratitude to the Southwestern Law School Community for providing them with a Thanksgiving dinner.
ILSA members were humbled by the experience and grateful to serve the community by providing a special meal to each family. The ILSA Board is grateful to everyone who donated and assisted with this effort to address food insecurity during the global pandemic.