SWLAW Blog | Dean's Fellow Digest

October 30, 2021
Dean's Fellow Digest Issue #35: "Secret" Study Spots on Southwestern’s Campus
Issue: 2021-10-30
Dean's Fellows consistently strive to support students in realizing their full academic potential, leading ultimately to success on the bar exam and in the workplace. To support all Southwestern students in this goal, the Dean's Fellows created this Digest as a way to check-in at critical times throughout the semester with helpful tips, strategies, and encouragement.
"Secret" Study Spots on Southwestern’s Campus
Cognitive scientists have found that varying your study environment aids in retention.[1]
So, looking to change up where you study? Well, this is the guide for you!
Bullocks Wilshire Building
- The Third floor has several tables with great natural light. Tired of sitting on that hard, wooden chair? The Third floor also has several spaces with sofas and easy chairs to read in, or even check-in with a study group.
- The Tea Room. While you can’t eat indoors right now, the tables are still set up and plentiful, so you can grab a spot easily to study.
- Or try the basement, which has plenty of tables open with not a lot of foot traffic. Plus, you can take a break from studying and enjoy a game of table tennis.
- Looking for a room to Zoom from? The library has lots of study rooms, which you can book ahead of time (please check with the library front desk for time restrictions on study rooms). If you forgot to book your room, you can still head over and see if any are available. The Second floor does seem to fill up quickly, but remember, there are still rooms (and open tables!) on the Basement level.
- Looking for somewhere outside? The Fourth-floor terrace is a great option and is often empty. Bonus! The Fourth floor also has great couches and tables scattered throughout.
- Even the tables set-up in the parking lot are a great place to study, as there are plenty of tables and space to find some quiet.
Westmoreland Building
- A louder, more common study area is the Second floor, near the Externship and SBA offices. There are plenty of tables but may be a location better for study groups instead of independent studying.
- The conference room in CSO on the Third floor often can be used by study groups and independent study (just ask!).
- A little-known study area is in the corner of the Fourth floor, by W431 and the Moot Courtroom. There is a wonderful couch and table next to a window!
- There are generally tables behind W511 and W611 and often forgotten areas to study by many!
Student Commons
- Need some fresh air? The Student Commons behind the Westmoreland building has lots of tables to study, meet with a group, or just catch up with classmates.
In all, there are lots of spots to set up and study. But one friendly reminder, if the spot has people quietly working, it may not be the best to have that study group or Zoom call. Instead, think about one of the other locations mentioned and move to a spot more suitable for this type of studying.
*About the Author:
Charlotte is a SCALE II student who graduated from California State University Long Beach with a degree in Film. Prior to starting at Southwestern Law School, she spent six years teaching at an elementary charter school. At Southwestern, in addition to being a Dean's Fellow, Charlotte also serves as the Co-President of the Women's Law Association. Throughout her time at Southwestern, Charlotte has volunteered at the Small Claims Clinic. This summer, she will be externing at the Tax Appeals Assistance Program. She is interested in several areas of practice including Intellectual Property and Tax Law. Charlotte looks forward to getting to know you, helping you achieve your goals and making your time at Southwestern memorable.
Southwestern Law School Dean's Fellows | Scheduling and Booking Website
Dean’s Fellows are upper-division students with strong academic skills who go through a rigorous application and training process. They are an integral part of the Academic Success and Bar Preparation Department. They are carefully selected based on their academic excellence and ability to teach other students best-practice study methods that will help them become acclimated to the study of law. Dean’s Fellows meet with students as academic mentors.
Please click HERE to make an appointment with a Dean's Fellow.